Complete leadership
Our Principal Contracting expertise provides clients, Architects, Project Managers, Surveyors and Engineers with the necessary management and trade skills to undertake a wide and variable range of contracts. We have full understanding of our role under CDM regulations and that of the Client, Planning Supervisor and Designer throughout each critical phase.
We are able to co-ordinate any full project including scaffolding, painting, lead works, roofing, joinery, plumbing, stained glass windows, bird repellent systems, damp-proofing and rot eradication
Stone Restoration Services Ltd have a major advantage over our competitors as we have our own Masonry Yard where materials are in stock and readily available. Our in house Banker Masons are readily available to ensure all stone is worked in a traditional manner and thus we have direct control of all stone procurement.
Our in house Banker Masons are readily available to ensure all stone is worked in a traditional manner and thus we have direct control of all stone procurement.
Grant Turner, MD
In addition we have our own in house technical department who are responsible for all contract drawing and detailing works. The design team has an extensive wealth of experience and all forms of stone and fixings – again direct control over this critical element will ensure quality and speed in the overall planning of a contract.
We are regularly sourced for specialist advice or consultation and our team of experts are available to draw on the benefits of our extensive experience and discuss your project with your or prepare a fully documented project ready to tender.
From the initial survey stages we can advise on the most appropriate methods and establish the most suitable techniques into specialist categories enabling us to design a project to meet a individuals budget and needs.
The ability to produce new masonry commences with material selection and will include advice on the detailing of stone profiles, sizes and joint patterns plus the most beneficial inclusion of fixings to the backing structure.
If you have any queries or wish to discuss a project please contact Stone Restoration Services Ltd on 01279 876994 or email us on